All children have the right to education, whatever their circumstances. Schools are vital in helping children develop to their full potential. However, most Cambodian children don't have access to quality education due to a shortage of schools. Thus, well-wishers are continuously urged to donate to build schools in Cambodia.
Why Is Shortage of Schools an Issue in Cambodia?
Over the years, Cambodia has made terrific progress in the education sector. As a result, the number of Cambodian children enrolled in primary and secondary schools has substantially increased. However, as enrollment in public schools increases, there is limited funding to facilitate the building of additional schools.
Overcrowding in Cambodian schools is a serious issue, particularly in urban and rural poor areas. The problem has given rise to private tutoring, whereby parents enroll their children in low-fee private schools.
Studies show that only 2% of Cambodian villages have an upper secondary school, while only 5.4% have a lower secondary school. These statistics show that the country suffers from a chronic shortage of schools.
Why Should You Donate to Build Schools in Cambodia?
As you know, education is a significant investment that helps secure the future of children and nations. However, children can't get it if there are no schools. The few Cambodian students enrolled in primary schools drop before reaching secondary school, mainly due to the prevailing learning environment.
The shortage of schools in Cambodia can only be addressed through funding. Currently, the Cambodian government allocates about 9% of its annual budget to the education sector. However, most of this money goes to operating expenses and salaries, leaving the sector with no money for development purposes.
Parents are expected to take an active role in supporting the infrastructural development of Cambodian schools. However, most of them are too poor to do so.
Since the government cannot address the shortage of schools in Cambodia alone, other parties must be brought on board. Non-governmental organizations, community-based entities, and faith-based organizations must actively promote access to quality education by providing physical facilities.
However, where do non-profit organizations get funding? They appeal to well-wishers like you to donate towards this noble course. By donating to build schools in Cambodia, you will be making a lifetime impact on a child's life. You will help thousands of Cambodian children access education, which is vital in reducing inequalities and poverty in the country.
Although education in Cambodia has drastically improved, the shortage of schools remains a persistent problem. The country experiences a severe shortage of schools, both in quality and numbers. However, the issue can be partly addressed if well-wishers donate to build schools in Cambodia.