Running a 5k for charity, like gotCUREage, is great – you get to raise money for a worthy cause whilst increasing your fitness at the same time. But if this is the first time you've run a 5k, you'll need to get training. Below are three tips to help you get started:
Stretch it Out
A common mistake made by new runners is to jump right into their run without taking the time to stretch their muscles. This can cause a number of problems, the most severe of which is the increased potential for injury during your exercise. However, even among those who do stretch before their run, a large proportion of people do the wrong stretches.
Most people stretch standing still, perhaps loosening their hamstrings or quads before setting off on a run. But whilst this static stretching is better than not stretching at all, it is a very inefficient way of warming up prior to your exercise. Rather than doing static stretches, you can improve your performance and reduce your risk of injury much more by performing dynamic stretches. Essentially, these are stretches that involve movement – think of things like walking lunges and high knees. This type of stretching is much better a warm up as it gets your blood flowing to the right places and loosens up your muscles and joints prior to running.
Build Your Mileage Slowly
You can't go from the couch to a 5k in one go, so make sure you build your mileage slowly when starting out. Depending on your current fitness level, you may wish to start off by walking a mile, slowly building your pace up to a light jog over a number of weeks. Once you start jogging, continue building slowly – adding 10-15 per cent each week is more than enough to progress towards your goal.
When you start out running, don't worry too much about your time. If you need to walk for half a mile to catch your breath, that is absolutely fine. As long as you keep moving, even if it is walking at a slow pace, your body will continue to become stronger over time.
Vary the Tempo
When training for a 5k, it's important not to become stuck in routine. Many people think that following a set plan of identical workouts will help them progress over time. This may be true, but this approach often limits progress and hinders your rate of improvement.
The best way to change up your routine is to vary the tempo of your workouts. If you train three times per week, consider splitting your days into slow, normal and fast runs. For the slow runs, reduce your pace and increase your distance, this will help your fitness whilst ensuring you aren't overworked. For the fast days, reduce the distance and increase the speed in order to get your heart rate pumping at a higher rate than usual.
After a month or so incorporating this into your training you can start going longer runs and varying the tempo as you go. This interval training will really shock your system and ensure you progress at the fastest rate possible.